Spring Boot | 集成MapStruct实现不同类型Java对象间的自动转换
MapStruct简介MapStruct is a code generator that greatly simplifies the implementation of mappings between Java bean types based on a convention over configuration approach.The generated mapping code us....
《Spring 手撸专栏》第 9 章:虎行有雨,定义标记类型Aware接口,实现感知容器对象
目录一、前言二、目标三、设计四、实现1. 工程结构2. 定义标记接口3. 容器感知类4. 包装处理器(ApplicationContextAwareProcessor)5. 注册 BeanPostProcessor6. 感知调用操作五、测试1. 事先准备2. 配置文件3. 单元测试六、总结七、系列推荐一、前言同事写的代码,我竟丝毫看不懂!大佬的代码,就像“赖蛤蟆泡青蛙,长的丑玩的花”:一个类实现....
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- Spring mapstruct对象
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- Spring存储对象
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- 对象Spring
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- Spring boot
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- Spring Bean
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- Spring java
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