Google Earth Engine(GEE)——Umbra卫星翁布拉合成孔径雷达公开数据
翁布拉合成孔径雷达公开数据 Umbra卫星产生的SAR图像是有史以来商业化提供的最高分辨率的图像(优于25厘米/10英寸)。合成孔径雷达卫星可以在夜间、透过云层、烟雾和雨水捕捉图像。合成孔径雷达在监测变化方面的能力是独一无二的。开放数据计划(ODP)监测世界上十个不同的地点。经常用新的图像进行更新。ODP使用户能够分析时间序列数据以检测每个地点的变化。前言 – 人工智能教程 数据...
Google Earth Engine ——全球陆地数据同化系统(GLDAS)摄取了卫星和地面观测数据产品大气分析场、降水场和辐射场数据集
Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) ingests satellite and ground-based observational data products. Using advanced land surface modeling and data assimilation techniques, it generates optima....
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——NOAA CDR GRIDSAT-B1数据集介绍(静止卫星的全球红外测量的高质量气候数据)
This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrared measurements from geostationary satellites.The geostationary satellite data (GridSat-B1) provides data from 3 channel....
Google Earth Engine——EOSDIS下产生或收集的海洋颜色和卫星海洋生物数据
This level 3 product includes ocean color and satellite ocean biology data produced or collected under EOSDIS.This dataset may be used for studying the biology and hydrology of coastal zones, changes....
Google Earth Engine——USGS/LIMA/MOSAIC南极洲大地卫星图像镶嵌(LIMA)是一个无缝的、几乎无云的数据,由经过处理的大地卫星7 ETM+场景创建。
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) 16-Bit Pan-Sharpened MosaicThe Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is a seamless and virtually cloudless mosaic created from processed Landsat 7 ETM+ s....
Google Earth Engine——地球静止卫星数据(GridSat-B1)提供了3个频道的数据:CDR质量的红外窗口(IRWIN)频道(接近11μm),可见光频道(接近0.6μm)和红外水汽
This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrared measurements from geostationary satellites.The geostationary satellite data (GridSat-B1) provides data from 3 channel....
Google Earth Engine ——全球1984年至2015年Landsat系列卫星获取地表水的位置和时间即地表水月度数据集的观测数据
This dataset contains maps of the location and temporal distribution of surface water from 1984 to 2015 and provides statistics on the extent and change of those water surfaces. For more information ....
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