问题描述在创建存储过程、函数、触发器、事件、视图的时候出现如下错误。从本地数据库导出SQL,在RDS上应用该SQL的时候出现如下错误。从RDS MySQL 5.6实例下载逻辑备份,导入到RDS或本地数据库中,出现如下错误,错误代码为1227和1725。执行MySQL语句修改参数时,出现如下错误。[E...
RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set b...
RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set by ADMIN”报错
If you are using the git profile, you need to set a Git URI in your configuration. If you are using
一、场景 启动spring-cloud配置中心的时候,报了以下错误 If you are using the git profile, you need to set a Git URI in your configuration. If you are using a native profile and have spring.cloud.config...
ThinkSNS网站调用RDS数据库报错“OPERATION need to be executed set by ADMIN”
问题描述在已经创建的数据库以及授权该操作账号的情况下,安装网站ThinkSNS调用RDS时,提示如下错误。OPERATION need to be executed set by ADMIN解决方案找到安装包文件并进行备份,路径为ThinkSNS_V4.1.170_Beta_Full\ThinkSN...
eggjs 项目报错 Cookie need secret key to sign and encrypt. Please set config.keys first
问题自己在写注册接口的时候,报错如下:解决出现这个真的不应该的,记录一下自己的愚蠢,自己喷酒精檫键盘的时候不小心把默认的配置文件弄到 logs 目录下面去了,把配置还原到 config 里就行了。
DataGrip 2020.1连接数据库报错 Server returns invalid timezone. Need to set‘serverTimezone’property
DataGrip 2020.1连接数据库报错 Server returns invalid timezone. Need to set‘serverTimezone’property 原因是MySQL驱动中默认时区是UTC,与本地时间(中国)相差八个小时,所以链接不上。点击Set time zone1.在框中填写 GMT,保存...
Server returns invalid timezone. Need to set ‘serverTimezone‘ property.(idea连接数据库报错)
Server returns invalid timezone. Need to set ‘serverTimezone‘ property.(idea连接数据库报错)Server returns invalid timezone. Need to set ‘serverTimezone’ property.(idea连接数据库报错)这是一...
【RDS】RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set
RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set by ADMIN”报错
RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set by
$stringUtil.substring( $!{XssContent1.description},200)...
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
今天登录一台服务器用roote用户登录的,在切换到oracle用户,执行sqlplus sys/ as sysdba进入数据库提示如下错误: SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 在/home/oracle目录下查看文件.bash_profile,它是隐藏文件。 1 2 3...