【错误记录】Android NDK 错误排查记录 ( error: undefined reference to | Linking CXX shared library FAILED )
文章目录一、 报错信息二、 错误分析三、 错误总结一、 报错信息报错信息 :Build command failed. Error while executing process Y:\001_DevelopTools\002_Android_SDK\cmake\3.6.4111459\bin\cmake.exe with arguments {--build Y:\002_WorkSpace\....
Android 集成实人认证SDK时,出现错误ERROR: Failed to resolve:
我吧aar包放到libs文件夹下。然后在dependencies上添加 repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } 出现错误 ERROR: Failed to resolve: :aliyun-oss-sdk-android-2.9.2: Affected Modules: app 是什么情况!!! 有没有集成成功的解答一下 谢谢各位大佬
Android Studio 解决 Error: Failed to crunch file
异常日志: Error:com.android.builder.internal.aapt.AaptException: Failed to crunch file C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MegviiFaceppv2_Android_0.5.2\MegviiFacepp-Android-SDK-0.5.2-CN\Android-Demo\faceppdem....
【Android错误集锦】Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processMockDebugManifest'.
错误描述: Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processMockDebugManifest'. > Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:23:9-36 is also pre...
(转)Android Studio Error:Failed to resolve: com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.1.0解决方案
今天不知道为什么导入eclipse项目后就出现了错误,没导入之前是正常使用AS的 Error:(26, 13) Failed to resolve: com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.+ 第一、点击Install Repository 。 但是Installing Android Support Repository失败了 当然还是可以在SDK那里进...
Android Studio 报错 Error:Some file crunching failed, see logs for details
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请注明出处http://blog.csdn.net/u013132758。 https://blog.csdn.net/u013132758/article/details/70187175 错误描述: Error:Some file crunching failed...

Android Studio2.1 Run APP:Error: Execution failed for task
Android Studio2.1 Run APP时,遇到错误 Error: Execution failed for task ':app:clean'. Unable to delete file 关闭AS,kill掉Java进程,打开资源管理器找到相应文件,仍旧无法删除这个文件。下载安装lockhunter,发现是金山杀毒软件占用着。 关闭金山毒霸仍旧无法删除文件,卸载金山毒霸后,可以删除....
Android error相关内容
- Android error unknown
- Android error device
- Android error name
- Android error found
- Android aapt error
- Android error class
- Android error inflating class
- error Android
- Android error inflating
- Android error cannot
- error Android attr
- error resource Android
- Android dalvik failed error
- Android ffmpeg error
- Android error directory
- error running Android
- Android project error
- Android error logs details
- Android error data
- Android error opening file
- Android error attribute
- Android error value
- Android命令行error
- Android run error
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