Maven - Error:java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all
错误信息Error:java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules from cycle [qrcode-common,qrcode-manager-pojo] are excluded from annotation processing分析原因cycl....

Eclipse和Maven的结合使用--Please make sure the -vm option in eclipse.ini
在eclipse中安装了m2eclipse(maven插件) 在安装后,出现下列警告: The Maven Integration requires that Eclipse be running in a JDK, because a number of Maven core plugins are using jars from the JDK. Please make sure the -....
解决Jetty Maven Plugin:Please initialize the log4j system properly(转)
解决Jetty Maven Plugin:Please initialize the log4j system properly.Jetty Maven Plugin环境: <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty-maven-p...