文章 2024-05-09 来自:开发者社区

Android应用] 问题2:ERROR: unknown virtual device name:

问题:AVD创建成功,并且和项目的配置一致,但是项目运行时找不到virtual device: ...emulator: ERROR: unknown virtual device name: 'my_avd' ...emulator: could not find virtual device named 'my_avd'或者在Android SDK and AVD Manager里边...

文章 2022-02-16 来自:开发者社区

android studio error configuration with name default not found

Android Studio报错:   android studio error configuration with name default not found    在进行sync的时候,提示Error:Configuration with name 'default' not found 首先查settings.gradle,看里面include ':app'...


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