文章 2023-01-05 来自:开发者社区

LeetCode 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

$stringUtil.substring( $!{XssContent1.description},200)...

LeetCode 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal
文章 2022-02-16 来自:开发者社区

[LeetCode] Convert a Number to Hexadecimal 数字转为十六进制

$stringUtil.substring( $!{XssContent1.description},200)...

文章 2022-02-15 来自:开发者社区

[LeetCode]--405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

Given an integer, write an algorithm to convert it to hexadecimal. For negative integer, two’s complement method is used. Note: All letters in hexadecimal (a-f) must be in lowercase. The hexadecim...
