文章 2022-12-29 来自:开发者社区

IDEA不能运行 Add Configuration/Press the + button to create a new Configuration which cannot be loaded

上回书说到在做完LoginController整体的复刻以及数据库复刻后,我们准备开始测试了却发现发现,哇,IDEA项目不能运行啦???RUN的图标是灰色的,运行都运行不了还测个锤子,先解决这个问题吧第一步,点击Add Configuration,添加配置这时候出现一个界面和一句话,如图英译汉,单击+按钮创建一个基于模板的新配置第二步,添加Application主要是添加Main class,U....

IDEA不能运行 Add Configuration/Press the + button to create a new Configuration which cannot be loaded
文章 2022-02-17 来自:开发者社区

IDEA运行spark程序报错Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Cannot

错误提示如下: Exception in thread “main” java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: Service ‘sparkDriver’ failed after 16 retries (starting from 0)! Consider explicitly setting the appropria.....



