k8s部署seata 报错 没有提供足够的身份验证信息 [ http-nio-7091-exec-2] [ty.JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint] [ commence] [] : Responding with unauthorized error. Message - Full authentication is required to access this resource
k8s pod报错: 16:12:35.930 ERROR --- [ http-nio-7091-exec-2] [ty.JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint] [ commence] [] : Responding with unauthorized error. Message - Full authentication is required to access thi....
![k8s部署seata 报错 没有提供足够的身份验证信息 [ http-nio-7091-exec-2] [ty.JwtAuthenticationEntryPoint] [ commence] [] : Responding with unauthorized error. Message - Full authentication is required to access this resource](https://ucc.alicdn.com/pic/developer-ecology/yrihejwc34huw_fe913379f68548fe85480ff379b8360e.png)
【kubernetes】解决k8s1.28.4:NotReady message:Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initia...
执行 kubectl get nodes,看到如下信息,显示节点未就绪[root@xxxx cni]# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION NotReady <none> 11h v1.28.4执行kubectl describe node <no...

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