SAP WM中阶之事务代码LX14 - Material Movement Frequency
SAP WM中阶之事务代码LX14 - Material Movement FrequencySAP WM中,事务代码LX14或者如下菜单用于分析哪些物料在WM层面货物移动比较频繁。进入如下界面,输入仓库号,存储类型,日期范围等查询参数,执行,得到如下的报表结果,这个报表显示每个存储类型下按物料统计其TO单据的个数。它对于业务部门分析各个物料是fast moving还是slow moving很有....

SAP WM中阶Storage Type的Capacity Check – Usage check based on material
SAP WM中阶Storage Type的Capacity Check – Usage check based on material1, Storage type Z03激活了Capacity Check, 检查方法是4 (Usage check based on material).2, 物料主数据设置,WM 1视图里维护了每个计量单位的物料的Capacity Usage 。3, 存储类型Z....

SAP WM: Can different batches of inventory of the same material on the same storage bin have the sam
SAP WM: Can different batches of inventory of the same material on the same storage bin have the same SU number?At the SAP WM level, SU management can be activated at the storage type level. Business....

SAP WM & PP Integration 之MF60 Material Staging
SAP WM & PP Integration 之MF60 Material Staging

SAP WM RF LM05 Source Storage Bin & Material Code Validation
TO#2581455 LM05, 假定我们扫错了source storage bin, J00BJ7501 而不是TO上的J00BJ7500, 回车, 系统自动做了验证,并报错,如上图。 scan正确的物料号,然后scan物料...

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