文章 2024-06-06 来自:开发者社区

How to decompile Google Android .apk file as readable dump【原创】

Background :google android SDK platform provide emulator & ADB utility tools,it's very useful to decompile the apk file to dump byte readable file. Summary: if you...

文章 2022-02-16 来自:开发者社区

How to decompile Google Android .apk file as readable dump【原创】

Background :google android SDK platform provide emulator & ADB utility tools,it's very useful to decompile the apk file to dump byte readable file.   Summary: if you are ready for it, the seq...

文章 2022-02-16 来自:开发者社区

我的Android进阶之旅------>解决Android Studio编译后安装apk报错:The APK file does not exist on disk

1、错误描述 今天用Android Studio编译应用后安装APK的时候,报错了,错误如下所示: The APK file build\outputs\apk\OYP_2.3.4_I2Base_6476_official_debug.apk does not exist on disk. Error while Installing APK 如下图所示 2、解决方法 1、尝试了...


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