Idea运行报错Error running ‘Application‘: Command line is too long的解决方法
修改.idea/workspace.xml文件<!--在 component name="PropertiesComponent" 标签里配置--> <component name="PropertiesComponent"> <!--新增--> <property name="dynamic.classpath" value="true" /&....
IDEA里运行代码时出现Error:scalac: error while loading JUnit4, Scala signature JUnit4 has wrong version expected: 5.0 found: 4.1 in JUnit4.class错误的解决办法(图文详解)
问题详情 当出现这类错误时是由于版本不匹配造成的 Information:2017/8/29 7:54 - Compilation completed with 10 errors and 0 warnings in 3s 910ms Error:scalac: error while loading JUnit4, Scala signature JUnit4 has wrong...

解决IDEA中运行项目出现: Error:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error错误
目录一: 解决方案二: 图解 一: 解决方案二: 图解

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