跟着Nature Biotechnology学作图:R语言ComplexHeatmap包做热图展示TCGA-BRCA数据集概况
论文Removing unwanted variation from large-scale RNA sequencing data with PRPShttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01440-w#data-availability数据链接https://zenodo.org/record/6459560#.Y2D2NHZBzidhttps....

跟着Nature Communications学作图:R语言circlize包做漂亮的弦图
论文A latitudinal gradient of deep-sea invasions for marine fisheshttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36501-4s41467-023-36501-4.pdf论文中对应的图实现的代码都有,链接是https://github.com/stfriedman/Depth-transitio....

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