阿里云文档 2023-09-03

如何体现AnalyticDBPostgreSQL版AnalyticDB的Master和StandbyMaster_云原生数据仓库 AnalyticDB PostgreSQL版(AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL)

AnalyticDB的Master与Standby Master对用户透明,用户不需要关心两者的运维与管理(包括健康检查、HA等)。

文章 2022-04-16 来自:开发者社区

PostgreSQL patch: Allow a streaming replication standby to follow a timeline switch

这个补丁不错, 省去了主从切换手工复制history文件的烦恼. Before this patch, streaming replication would refuse to start replicating if the timeline in the primary doesn't exactly match the standby.  The situation where ...

文章 2022-04-16 来自:开发者社区

PostgreSQL 9.3 Allow a streaming replication standby to follow a timeline switch

Allow a streaming replication standby to follow a timeline switch. Before this patch, streaming replication would refuse to start replicating if the timeline in the primary doesn't exactly match the.....


