文章 2024-08-02 来自:开发者社区

IDEA添加Swagger2:Parameter 0 of method linkDiscoverers in org. springframework hateoas.config.Hateoasconfiguration required a single bean, but 15 were found:

1.异常复现 #一开始我写的依赖是这个然后报错 <dependency> <groupId>io.springfox</groupId> <artifactId>springfox-sw...

IDEA添加Swagger2:Parameter 0 of method linkDiscoverers in org. springframework hateoas.config.Hateoasconfiguration required a single bean, but 15 were found:
文章 2021-12-31 来自:开发者社区

Spring Boot中使用Swagger2异常:Illegal DefaultValue 0 for parameter type integer

在Spring Boot中集成Swagger2,使用@ApiImplicitParam注解时出现如下异常“Illegal DefaultValue 0 for parameter type integer”,异常详情如下:Illegal DefaultValue 0 for parameter type integer java.lang.Nu...
