引用 AspNetCoreRateLimit => StatusCode cannot be set because the response has already started.
app.UseIpRateLimiting(); #需要放在前面,否则抓去不准,还有可能会出现下列错误 本次出现这个错误,是因为 .Net Core 跨域 里面的这行:httpContext.Response.StatusCode = 204; 由于StatusCode 先给它设了 204,所以导致 IpRateLimit 报了下图的错误。 ...
redis异常 Commands that may modify the data set are disabled, because this instance is
项目场景:使用redis存储验证码问题描述:BUG:本来以为是一个安稳的国庆节,没想到部署的项目还是出了问题原始的异常代码:Error in execution nested exception is lettuce core. Rediscommandexecutionexception MISCONF Redis is configu...