文章 2024-12-27 来自:开发者社区

【Container App】部署Contianer App 遇见 Failed to deploy new revision: The Ingress's TargetPort or ExposedPort must be specified for TCP apps.

问题描述 在部署Contianer App时候,遇见Failed to deploy new revision: The Ingress's TargetPort or ExposedPort must be specified for TCP apps. 回到Container App的门户,然后修改操作都会触发报错。均提示 The Ingress's TargetPort o...

【Container App】部署Contianer App 遇见 Failed to deploy new revision: The Ingress's TargetPort or ExposedPort must be specified for TCP apps.
文章 2024-08-24 来自:开发者社区

【Azure 应用服务】Azure Web App的服务(基于Windows 操作系统部署)在被安全漏洞扫描时发现了TCP timestamps漏洞

问题背景 什么是TCP timestamps(TCP 时间戳)? The remote host implements TCP Timestamps, as defined by RFC1323 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1323.txt). A side effect of this feature is that the uptime of t...

【Azure 应用服务】Azure Web App的服务(基于Windows 操作系统部署)在被安全漏洞扫描时发现了TCP timestamps漏洞



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