解决Xcode运行IOS报错:redefinition of module ‘Firebase‘和could not build module ‘CoreFoundation‘
问题描述 接手一个老项目,电脑环境是MacOS 13,Xcode 14.3。 以前在Xcode13上能正常运行,在Xcode14上运行就报以下错误。 /Users/macbilal/macreact/casual_job/test/ios/Pods/Firebase/C...
在视频点播的文档上有说注释掉一些方法可以在Xcode模拟器运行? 这个还可以不?
在视频点播的文档上有说注释掉一些方法可以在Xcode模拟器运行? 这个还可以不?
mPaaS升级xcode到14.2之后 运行模拟器报错?
mPaaS升级xcode到14.2之后 运行模拟器报错 In /Users/xxxx/ios/Pods/AMapFoundationKit/AMapFoundationKit.framework/AMapFoundationKit(AMapFoundationKit-arm64-master.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in objec....
Xcode运行报错The certificate used to sign “XXX” has either expired or has been revoked.解决办法
Xcode运行之后报了如下错误:Unable to install "XXX"The certificate used to sign “XXX” has either expired or has been revoked.An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application.翻译:无法安装“XXX”用于签....
Xcode运行报错Failed to prepare device for development.解决办法
This operation can fail if the version of the OS on the device is incompatible with the installed version of Xcode. You may also need to restart your mac and device in order to correctly detect compa....
Xcode运行报错The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to launch xxx because it has an invalid code...
翻译:无法完成操作。无法启动xxx,因为它的代码签名无效、权限不足或其配置文件未被用户明确信任。错误详情:Details Could not launch “XXX” Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain Code: 3 Failure Reason: The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to launch xx....
前提有关Xcode真机调试iOS14.2设备时候卡在启动页的问题, 网上写的大部分方法已经使用过了, 不行的具体参考:网上说的方法解决办法1. 升级Xcode到最新版本通过升级解决我公司升级不方便, 所以我用的下一种2. 关闭debug executable关闭debug executableimage.png
Xcode编译后运行程序Killed: -9,因为签名有问题
全网首发:(解决办法)MAC OS Xcode给应用设置沙箱(Enable App Sandbox)之后,运行报错Illegal instruction: 4
确认是沙箱引起 未启用沙箱之前,运行正常;启用沙箱之后,就报错。反复实验,皆是如此。所以断定沙箱引起的。启动沙箱的办法:Xcode给应用开启沙箱sandbox_柳鲲鹏的博客-CSDN博客报错内容 根据目录及环境不同,有两种情形的报错:87550 Illegal instruction zsh: illegal hardware instruction解决办法 在网上搜索了好久,没有思路。后....