【Azure Developer】VS Code打包Java maven Project 遇见 BUILD FAILURE
问题描述 在VS Code中创建的Java Maven项目,在进行项目打包时,遇见 BUILD FAILURE \lbimage> mvn -clean package[INFO] Sca...
Maven 的Could not calculate build plan错误解决方法(不一定适用,看原因)
Maven 的Could not calculate build plan错误解决方法(不一定适用,看原因):1、将C:\Users\a\.m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins文件夹下的文件夹全部删除就可以了(这些文件夹格式都是*-plugin或*-plugins);2、窗口→首选项→Maven→勾选Download repository index up....
在idea中,maven clean package installer可以成功。 build p
在idea中,maven clean package installer可以成功。 build project就找不见依赖包了
maven项目build时出现 No compiler is provided in this environment.错误
今天创建maven项目build时出现”[ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?“我很郁闷,以前创建普通项目时没有遇到这个问题啊,为什么创建maven项目时却会创想JDK的问题呢?错误信息如下:[INFO] Scanning fo....
Eclipse创建maven项目时,出现Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources错
问题在用Eclipse创建maven项目时,出现Could not calculate build plan: Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.6.1 from http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 was cached in the local reposit....
【BUG日记】【Maven】新入职的公司给的本地Maven,创建maven项目时候报错 “Could not calculate build plan: Plugin”
【日期】: 2020/8/28【问题】: 创建maven项目时候报错 “Could not calculate build plan: Plugin”【原因】: 配置maven本地仓库的Setting设置当时有问题。【如何发现】: 百度搜索摸索【如何修复】: 【转自】:www.cnblogs.com/jdbn/p/9878…查看eclipse里,配置的maven的安装位置找到安装maven的安装....
eclipse新建maven项目:'Building' has encountered a problem. Errors occurred during the build.
一、eclipse 新建maven 项目报错(因为没有配置maven环境)1、问题:① 出现的问题1:Could not calculate build plan:Pluginorg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to....
maven install时报错The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact