已解决 ImportError:/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cv2.so:undefined symbol:PyCobject Type。
操作系统:Ubuntu,版本号为16.04 问题描述 由于ubuntu16.04系统中安装了ROS,导致Anaconda安装opencv-python后使用python导入cv2时出现的错误:ImportError: /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cv2.so: undefined symbol: PyCobject Type; ...
The method getServletContext() is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
2016-10-11这个问题也挺奇怪的,我记得以前都是这么写://获取服务器的路径 String dirPath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");今天,这段代码竟然报错了,说这个方法未定义,我TM也是无语了。原来,高版本的ser...
../../..xxx.go:46:18: aa.Bbb undefined (type *"xx/xxx/xx".Ccc has no field or method Bbb)
golang 程序编译时突然报这个错../../..xxx.go:46:18: aa.Bbb undefined (type *"xx/xxx/xx".Ccc has no field or method Bbb)找到 xxx.go 文件的第 46 行(18是列号),aa.Bbb 当前应该是处于标红未定义的状态,排查为啥 B...
如何解决提示the operation % is undefined for the argument type string,int的错误
$stringUtil.substring( $!{XssContent1.description},200)...
The method getResources() is undefined for the type
$stringUtil.substring( $!{XssContent1.description},200)...
- undefined区别
- undefined方法
- undefined类型
- undefined name
- undefined data
- undefined use
- undefined vue
- undefined错误提示
- undefined异常
- undefined offset
- undefined symbols
- undefined architecture
- undefined notice
- undefined this
- undefined at
- undefined error
- undefined objc_class
- undefined@xxx
- undefined应用
- undefined sqlite
- undefined install
- undefined sqrt