Ubuntu安装mongodb集群时出现child process failed错误信息
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 13151 ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 100 安装的时候时缺少支持的文件吗还是????
Ubuntu SIOCADDRT: no such process
配置Ubuntu的网络已经不是第一次了,今天遇到了个错误,以前从来没遇到过的,感觉很郁闷! 在使用/etc/init.d/networking restart的时候,出现了 RTNETLINK answers: File exists 表示很郁闷,然后ping了一下,提示网络不可达。看了一下路由表,发现没网关,最后使用命令加网关 # route add default gw 1.1.1...
ubuntu登录进去的时候老提示"There is 1 zombie process",但实际没找到相关进程
我经常从ssh登录到我的ubuntu服务器时都会显示 Welcome to Ubuntu 11.04 (GNU/Linux 2.6.38-16-server x86_64) Documentation: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/doc System information as of Wed Oct 17 22:07:28 HKT 2012 System l...
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