Google Earth Engine(GEE)——Umbra卫星翁布拉合成孔径雷达公开数据
翁布拉合成孔径雷达公开数据 Umbra卫星产生的SAR图像是有史以来商业化提供的最高分辨率的图像(优于25厘米/10英寸)。合成孔径雷达卫星可以在夜间、透过云层、烟雾和雨水捕捉图像。合成孔径雷达在监测变化方面的能力是独一无二的。开放数据计划(ODP)监测世界上十个不同的地点。经常用新的图像进行更新。ODP使用户能够分析时间序列数据以检测每个地点的变化。前言 – 人工智能教程 数据...
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——来自陆地卫星的全球河流宽度(GRWL)
来自陆地卫星的全球河流宽度(GRWL) 来自陆地卫星的全球河宽(GRWL)图层是GRWL论文的主要输出,在加入所有子部分后,它非常大,有超过6400万个特征,这是作者提供的子部分文件的组合。你可以在这里阅读该论文 前言 – 床长人工智能教程 该资源库由5个文件组成,每个文件都有子部分 1) 简化的GRWL向量产品:grwl_SummaryStats_v01_01 ...
Google Earth Engine——Murray全球潮间带变化数据集在潮滩分类,用于开发陆地卫星协变量层的陆地卫星图像的数量
The Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset contains global maps of tidal flat ecosystems produced via a supervised classification of 707,528 Landsat Archive images. Each pixel was classified into ti....
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——NOAA CDR GRIDSAT-B1数据集介绍(静止卫星的全球红外测量的高质量气候数据)
This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrared measurements from geostationary satellites.The geostationary satellite data (GridSat-B1) provides data from 3 channel....
Google Earth Engine——NOAA/GOES/16/和17/MCMIPF地球静止气象卫星云层和水分图像产品的(分辨率都是2公里)
satellites are geostationary weather satellites run by NOAA.The Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are all at 2km resolution. Bands 1-6 are reflective. The dimensionless "reflectance factor" quantit....
Google Earth Engine——EOSDIS下产生或收集的海洋颜色和卫星海洋生物数据
This level 3 product includes ocean color and satellite ocean biology data produced or collected under EOSDIS.This dataset may be used for studying the biology and hydrology of coastal zones, changes....
Google Earth Engine——陆地数据同化系统(LDAS)结合多种来源的观测数据(如降水表数据、卫星数据和雷达降水测量)
Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) combines multiple sources of observations (such as precipitation gauge data, satellite data, and radar precipitation measurements) to produce estimates of climato....
Google Earth Engine——真彩色数据集Planet labs Inc. SkySat卫星在2015年为实验性的 “Skybox for Good Beta “项目,以及各种危机应对事件
This data from Planet labs Inc. SkySat satellites was collected for the experimental "Skybox for Good Beta" program in 2015, as well as for various crisis response events and a few other projects. Th....
Google Earth Engine——GOES卫星是由NOAA运行的地球静止气象卫星,火灾(HSC)产品包含四张图像:一张是火灾掩码形式,另外三张是确定火灾温度、火灾面积和火灾辐射功率的像素值
GOES satellites are geostationary weather satellites run by NOAA. The Fire (HSC) product contains four images: one in the form of a fire mask and the other three with pixel values identifying fi....
Google Earth Engine——臭氧总量绘图分光仪(TOMS)数据集代表了过去25年中可用于监测全球和区域臭氧总量趋势的主要长期、连续的卫星观测记录
The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data represent the primary long-term, continuous record of satellite-based observations available for use in monitoring global and regional trends in total....
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