Google Earth Engine(GEE)——北美当前和预测的气候数据
北美当前和预测的气候数据(CMIP6 )¶ 开发大气-海洋环流模型 (AOGCM) 是为了在广泛的时间尺度上模拟气候变率,并且经常在耦合模拟和数据同化模式下进行测试。 您可以在此处阅读有关 AOGCM 和 CMIP6 的更多信息。 此页面上的数据集由 AdaptWest 开发,该项目由 Wilburforce 基金会资助,旨在为气候适应规划开发信息资源。前言 – 床长人工智能教程 ...
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——NOAA CDR GRIDSAT-B1数据集介绍(静止卫星的全球红外测量的高质量气候数据)
This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrared measurements from geostationary satellites.The geostationary satellite data (GridSat-B1) provides data from 3 channel....
Google Earth Engine——美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)的气候预测系统再分析(CFSR)是作为一个全球性的、高分辨率的、大气-海洋-陆地表面-海冰耦合系统设计和执行的数据集
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) was designed and executed as a global, high-resolution, coupled atmosphere-ocean-land surface-sea ic....
Google Earth Engine——NOAA/CDR/PATMOSX/V53提供了高质量的气候数据记录(CDR),以及高级甚高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)的亮度温度和反射率的多种云特性
This dataset provides high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of multiple cloud properties along with Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) brightness temperatures and reflectances. These d....
Google Earth Engine——NASA NEX-DCP30数据集(降水和气温)由美国本土的降尺度气候情景组成1km分辨率
The NASA NEX-DCP30 dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the conterminous United States that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled M....
Google Earth Engine——海面温度--WHOI数据集是NOAA海洋表面(OSB)的一部分,提供了无冰海洋的高质量的气候数据记录(CDR)
The Sea Surface Temperature - WHOI dataset is part of the NOAA Ocean Surface Bundle (OSB) and provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea surface temperature over ice-free oceans.The SST....
Google Earth Engine——NASA NEX-GDDP数据集由全球降尺度气候情景NEX-GDDP: NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled
The NASA NEX-GDDP dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison P....
Google Earth Engine——PRISM日数据集和月数据集是美国本土的网格化气候数据集,由俄勒冈州立大学的PRISM气候小组制作。网格是使用PRISM(独立坡度模型的参数-海拔回归)开发的
The PRISM daily and monthly datasets are gridded climate datasets for the conterminous United States, produced by the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University. Grids are developed using PRISM (....
Google Earth Engine——TRMM/3B43在每个日历月执行一次,通过将3小时合并的高质量/红外估计值(3B42)与每月累积的全球降水气候学中心(GPCC)雨量计分析相结合降水预测
This collection is no longer being updated. See IMERG monthlyThis dataset algorithmically merges microwave data from multiple satellites, including SSMI, SSMIS, MHS, AMSU-B and AMSR-E, each inter-cal....
Google Earth Engine——气候危害组红外降水与站点数据(CHIRPS)是一个30年以上的准全球降水数据集
Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) is a 30+ year quasi-global rainfall dataset. CHIRPS incorporates 0.05° resolution satellite imagery with in-situ station data t....
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