
验证安装是否成功,需要确保 which node 和 which agenthub 的路径中包括.tnvm 即可。阿里云账号,在这里 https://www.aliyun.com/product/nodejs 开通服务。一台可以连接到互联网的服务器,或者开发机器。2.操作指南 I.创建应用 登录阿里云...


使用 pm2 管理的应用如何使用 Node.js 性能平台运行时 如果安装 Node.js 性能平台运行时前系统已经安装社区 Node.js 运行时和 pm2:安装 Node.js 性能平台运行时后重新安装 pm2,确保 which pm2 结果中包含.tnvm 字段;将 pm2 所有进程杀掉...


功能描述 Node.js 性能平台的诊断功能,大都从某一个特定角度,例如针对内存问题的堆快照,针对CPU问题的Profiling,通过一定时间的信息采集来协助定位问题。诊断报告则从一个全局的视角抓住进程的瞬时状态,采集了堆栈,系统资源,平台...


1.组件介绍 说明 必要前置组件:打开新网页 或 获取已打开的网页 利用本组件支持操作Chrome、Edge、IE浏览器,在指定网页中,通过JavaScript脚本执行js操作。2.输入项 说明 请参照可视化编辑器内组件面板中各输入项的帮助信息 3.输出项 ...

Quick BI仪表板图表报错“.which is not functionally...

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板图表报错“.which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause;this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by。问题原因 由于MySQL在5.7.5及以上版本,开启了ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY的设置...

Dataphin代码任务报错"column XXX in ...which has type

问题描述 SQL代码任务在执行过程中报错"column XXX in source has incompatible type STRING with destination column XXX,which has type BIGINT。计算源为Max Compute。问题原因 数据类型不匹配。解决方案 在sql开头添加如下参数设置:...


String PrincipalType:Description:'The type of the object to which you want to attach the policy.Valid values:IMSUser:RAM user,IMSGroup:RAM user group,ServiceRole:RAM role' Type:String ResourceGroupId:Description:The ID of ...


表格存储数据类型 Node.js SDK数据类型 描述 String string JavaScript语言中的基本数据类型 Integer int64 Node.js SDK封装的数据类型 Double number JavaScript语言中的基本数据类型 Boolean boolean JavaScript语言中的基本数据类型 ...


interval-(Optional)The time period during which the alert rule is effective.no_effective_interval-(Optional)The time period during which the alert rule is ineffective.interval-(Optional,ForceNew)The interval at which Cloud...


path_match_mode-A match statement.It indicates the mode in which the as-path attribute is matched.cidr_match_mode-A match statement.It indicates the mode in which the prefix attribute is matched.community_match_mode-A ...


name-(Optional,ForceNew)The name of the object to which the policy is attached.principal_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The type of the object to which the policy is attached.If you do not specify this parameter,the system lists ...


The port of the destination to which requests are redirected.protocol-The protocol of the requests to be redirected.query-The query string of the request to be redirected.rewrite_config-The redirect action within ALB.host-...


id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the listener to which the traffic policies belong.endpoint_group_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the endpoint group to which the traffic policies belong.endpoint_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID...


The mute period during which new alerts are not reported even if the alert trigger conditions are met.Unit:seconds.Default value:86400,which is equivalent to one day.source_type-The type of the alert rule.The value is ...


templates below.apply_mode-(Optional)The mode in which the alert template is applied.Valid values:GROUP_INSTANCE_FIRST or ALARM_TEMPLATE_FIRST.GROUP_INSTANCE_FIRST:The metrics in the application group take precedence.If a ...

SJS 介绍

SJS(safe/subset javascript)是小程序一套自定义脚本语言,可以在 AXML 中使用其构建页面结构。SJS 是 JavaScript 语言的子集,与 JavaScript 是不同的语言,故二者语法并不一致,请勿将其等同于 JavaScript。使用方式 在.sjs 文件中定义...


RetcodeAppName"} } } },"Parameters":{"RetcodeAppType":{"Type":"String","Description":"The type of the application for which you want to create the browser monitoring job.Allowed values:web,weex,mini_dd,mini_alipay,mini_wx...


Description:'The period of time during which logons from an account are not allowed.Unit:minutes.' Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionResource-ForbiddenTime Span:Description:'The period of time during which logon failures from an ...


前提条件 请确保Node.js和TypeScript满足以下版本要求:Node.js:14.17.0及以上。TypeScript:3.8及以上。在Linux平台安装ROS CDK 以下示例将在CentOS 8.2 64位的系统上安装ROS CDK。执行以下命令,安装Node.js、npm、tsc、lerna。由于ROS ...


ids-Db instances id which the ECS instance attached to.vswitch_ids-Vswitches id in which the ECS instance launched.lifecycle_state-Lifecycle state of scaling group.vpc_id-The ID of the VPC to which the scaling group ...


.instances-The collection of ECS instances on which the HDFS file system is mounted.status-The status of the ECS instance on which the HDFS file system is mounted.vscs-The VSC list of mounted HDFS file ...


.instances-The collection of ECS instances on which the HDFS file system is mounted.status-The status of the ECS instance on which the HDFS file system is mounted.vscs-The VSC list of mounted HDFS file ...


Web3.js 实现了以太坊 JSON-RPC 在 JavaScript 下的 API 接口,您可以通过以下步骤使用 web3.js 连接到阿里云区块链服务的quorum节点。获取Quorum节点的用户名 username 和密码 password。如果您还没有配置过用户名和密码,您可以根据 节点...


(Required,ForceNew)Specify the protected directory mode.Value:whitelist:whitelist mode,which protects the added protected directories and file types.-blacklist:blacklist mode,which protects all unexcluded subdirectories,...


weekdays-The day on which an auto snapshot was created.retention_days-The number of days for which you want to retain auto snapshots.status-The status of the automatic snapshot policy.time_points-The point in time at which...


Pending or Available.Pending:The IPv6 address is being configured.Available:The IPv6 address is available.vpc_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the VPC to which the IPv6 address belongs.vswitch_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID ...


要从页面发起 Native 功能调用,例如显示一个 ActionSheet,或显示联系人对话框,您需要扩展一个 JavaScript API(JSAPI)。使用 JSAPI,可以让您在 H5 页面增加 Native 功能调用入口。通过实现自定义 JSAPI 类中的 handler 方法,以 ...


region_id-The ID of the region to which the production site belongs.source_zone_id-The ID of the zone to which the production site belongs.standby_region-The initial destination region of the replication group.standby_zone...


JavaScript SDK(简称 JS SDK)是业务端与区块链平台沟通的桥梁,提供基础的 API 功能,包括提交交易、账户操作、部署和调用合约、各类查询操作、交易模拟执行、监听事件等,同时实现了通过 TLS 和 HTTPS 协议与区块链平台交互,统一了 API...


HealthCheckInterval":{"Type":"Number","Description":"Specifies the time interval at which probe packets are sent during the health check.Default value:2.Valid values:2 to 3.Unit:second."},"VbrInstanceId":{"Type":"String",...


script.type='text/javascript';script.src='https://webapi.amap.com/maps?v=1.3&key=59699a8cfee7c52f58390357cbdbf27d';body.appendChild(script);} 解决问题 从上述两处代码可以看出,定时器无需在服务端执行,而高德地图本身就不支持...

浏览器JavaScript SDK

日志服务浏览器JavaScript SDK目前仅支持使用 npm 方式进行安装,暂不支持CDN安装js(es5)方式。相比之前旧版采集浏览器日志的js-sls-logger包,浏览器JavaScript SDK(web-track-browser)拥有更佳的采集性能和稳定性。后续不再维护js-...

Node.js SDK

本文介绍如何使用智能语音交互一句话识别的Node.js SDK,包括SDK的安装方法及SDK代码示例等。前提条件 在使用SDK前,请先阅读接口说明,详情请参见 接口说明。请确认已经安装nodejs&npm环境,并完成基本配置。SDK支持nodev14及以上版本。...


known mandatory attribute,which describes the numbers of the ASs that a BGP route passes through during transmission.as_path_match_mode-(Optional)A match statement.It indicates the mode in which the AS path attribute is ...

Node.js SDK

本文介绍如何使用阿里云智能语音服务提供的Node.js SDK,包括SDK的安装方法及SDK代码示例。前提条件 在使用SDK前,请先阅读接口说明,详情请参见 接口说明。下载安装 说明 SDK支持nodev14及以上版本。请确认已经安装nodejs&npm环境,并完成...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...

H5 JS 编程

目前,很多移动 App 前端都采用了 JavaScript(JS)语言进行编码。mPaaS 也提供了移动端 Web 解决方案 —— H5 容器 H5 容器简介。H5 承载于 Android 和 iOS 之上,需要进行客户端接入。在客户端接入 H5 容器后,前端可以很方便地使用网关:...


ids-(Optional)A list of the multicast domain IDs.transit_router_multicast_domain_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the multicast domain to which the multicast source belongs.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save data...

安装Node.js SDK

注意事项 日志服务Node.js SDK基于JavaScript开发,暂不支持TS(TypeScript)。安装SDK 创建项目目录,并进入该目录。执行以下命令初始化。npm init 按照向导提示进行配置。初始化完成后,会自动创建一个 package.json 文件。其文件内容...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been renamed to alicloud_alidns_domain from version 1.95.0.Provides a DNS resource.->NOTE:The domain name which you want to add must be already registered and had not added by another account....
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