
API 应用程序编程接口 用户开放API,在API网关录入API,以提供接口的方式对外提供服务或者数据。Group API Group API分组 一组API。用户开放API,首先需要创建API分组 每个API分组拥有一个二级域名,两个Stage 用户需要将已经备案且解析至...


中文 释义 API 应用程序编程接口,是一些预先定义的函数,或指软件系统不同组成部分衔接的约定。API 分组 用于将 API 进行逻辑的分组,同个分组下的 API 使用相同的分组标识做隔离。分组标识 是网关全局的唯一标识,用于定位在访问的 API。...


This data source provides the ots secondary index of the current Alibaba Cloud user.For information about OTS secondary index and how to use it,see Secondary index overview.->NOTE:Available in v1.187.0+.Example Usage data...


This data source provides the ots search index of the current Alibaba Cloud user.For information about OTS search index and how to use it,see Search index overview.->NOTE:Available in v1.187.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_...


id-The ID of the api group of api gateway.sub_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level domain name automatically assigned to the API group.vpc_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level VPC domain name automatically ...


64 string and return result HEX()Return a hexadecimal representation of a decimal or string value INSERT()Insert a substring at the specified position up to the specified number of characters INSTR()Return the index of the...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Api Destination.create_time-The creation time of the Api Destination.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when ...


values:'HEAD' and 'QUERY'.name_service-(Required)Backend service's parameter name.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the api resource of api gateway.api_id-The ID of the api of api ...


A list of api group names.groups-A list of api groups.Each element contains the following attributes:id-API group ID,which is generated by the system and globally unique.name-API group name.description-API group ...


ids-A list of api IDs.names-A list of api names.apis-A list of apis.Each element contains the following attributes:id-API ID,which is generated by the system and globally unique.name-API name.description-API description....

Restful API

Elasticsearch官方参考文档 单文档APIIndex API Get API Delete API Update API 多文档API:Multi Get API Bulk API Delete By Query API Update By Query API Reindex API 使用REST Client交互 客户端访问仅支持HTTP/TCP方式,建议您...


parameters below.open_api_parameters-(Optional,Set,Available since v1.211.1)The parameters of API callback notification.See open_api_parameters below.event_pattern The event_pattern supports the following:product-(Required...


Provides an app resource.It must create an app before calling a third-...id-The ID of the app of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_app.example"7379660


我们支持OpenAPI v3协议来提供对于插件接口的描述。关于OpenAPI v3的详细字段,您可以参见:OpenAPI v3.0.3。您可以通过编辑器来编辑和验证API描述文件的正确性。以下是一个示例。openapi:3.0.1 info:title:TODO Plugin description:A ...


.#Example 1:#$0.a:Get the attribute"a"from the input param"$0".#$0.b[index]:Get the index of the array"b"from the input param"$0".The index cannot be an expression or a variable.#Example 2:#Input:{"keyA":[1,2],"keyB":...


您可以方便地将已有的api接口包装为plugin,仅需提供以下两个文件:元信息描述文件:ai-plugin.json API描述文件:openapi.yaml 将上述两个文件编写完成后,通过邮件提交给工作人员(dashscope@alibabacloud.com )进行录入确认。...


detail":{"name":"Number and Sizes of Shards in Each Index","desc":"Check whether the number and sizes of shards in each index are optimal.A small number of shards may degrade the read and write performance of an index.A ...


Elasticsearch Serverless服务支持开源的API,本文介绍7.10版本应用支持的开源API URI和对应的Method。注意事项 在使用API查询应用索引时,应用配额为12 CU和24 CU的企业版存在以下限制:暂不支持以下Agg查询类型:FiltersAggregation、...


(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after running terraform plan).Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:configs-A list of Api Gateway Log ...


id-The ID of the vpc authorization of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_vpc_access.example"APiGatewayVpc:vpc-aswcj19ajsz:i-ajdjfsdlf:8080


400 ApiDatasource.Param.Oversize The number of parameters of API data source exceeds the limit and cannot exceed%s.API数据源的参数数量超过限制,不能超过%s个。400 Instance.Expired Your instance has expired.您的购买实例已经...


Provides an app attachment resource.It is used for authorizing a specific api to an app accessing.For information about ...id-The ID of the app attachment of api gateway.,formatted as<group_id>:<api_id>:<app_id>:<stage_name>.


发布的api地址为 应用的预览地址为创建的 api 操作路径配置 替换掉index(下面的是示例)预览地址 https://cluster-1-preview.mobiapp.cloud/appid/*/index API地址:ttps:/cluster-1-preview.mobiapp.cloud/appid/*/api/open/name?...


Provides a plugin attachment resource.It is used for attaching a specific plugin to an api.For information about ...id-The ID of the plugin attachment of api gateway.,formatted as<group_id>:<api_id>:<plugin_id>:<stage_name>.

通过Reindex API迁移自建Elasticsearch数据

Reindex API是Elasticsearch提供的一种用于将数据从原有的索引迁移至目标索引的接口。如果您需要迁移数据,且源索引的数据不需要进行复杂的转换和处理,您可以按照本文提供的步骤,使用Reindex API将数据从自建Elasticsearch集群迁移至...

使用Python SDK管理索引

print("ready to list index")res=client.get_index_config(project_name,logstore_name)print("The index config is:%s"%res.get_index_config().to_json())print("list index success")预期结果如下:ready to list index The index ...

使用Java SDK管理索引

Index index=new Index();System.out.println("ready to create index");index.FromJsonString(logstoreindex);client.CreateIndex(projectName,logstoreName,index);System.out.println(String.format("create index for%s success",...


detail":{"name":"Number and Sizes of Shards in Each Index","desc":"Check whether the number and sizes of shards in each index are optimal.A small number of shards may degrade the read and write performance of an index.A ...


Provides an OTS search index resource.For information about OTS search index and how to use it,see Search index overview.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} resource"random_...


Provides an OTS secondary index resource.For information about OTS secondary index and how to use it,see Secondary index overview.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} resource...


字段公式如下所示:size=MAX(index size of all queries)benefit=SUM(benefit of each query)gain=SUM(benefit of each query)/MAX(index size of all queries)说明 如果单条SQL建议同时创建多个索引,则index_advisory表中记录的new_cost...

Access Method Hints

示例 示例应用程序没有足够的数据来说明optimizer hints的效果,因此本节中的其余示例将使用由位于 PolarDB PostgreSQL版(兼容Oracle)bin 子目录中的 pgbench 应用程序创建的银行数据库。以下步骤将创建名为 bank 的数据库,该数据库由表...

Access Method Hints

示例 示例应用程序没有足够的数据来说明optimizer hints的效果,因此本节中的其余示例将使用由位于 PolarDB PostgreSQL版(兼容Oracle)bin 子目录中的 pgbench 应用程序创建的银行数据库。以下步骤将创建名为 bank 的数据库,该数据库由表...


示例 使用二维关联数组示例如下所示:Examples of dim-2 associative array DECLARE type type_row is table of varchar(10)index by varchar(10);type type_table is table of type_row index by varchar(10);v_table type_table;i ...


语法 TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF value_type[NULL|NOT NULL]INDEX BY key_type ';' 示例 以下是一个关联数组的基本示例:DECLARE TYPE aarray_type IS TABLE OF INT INDEX BY VARCHAR(10);声明 associative array 局部类型 aarray aarray_...


DATASOURCE:ApiGateway:Apps类型用于查询应用列表。语法 {"Type":"DATASOURCE:ApiGateway:Apps","Properties":{"AppOwner":String,"AppId":String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 AppOwner String 否 是 App拥有者的阿里...

通过_shrink API快速减少主分片数

本文为您介绍如何通过_shrink API快速减少主分片数。背景信息 使用Elasticsearch需要密切关注集群分片总数及索引分片数设置。集群分片总数越多,对应分片会占用大量的文件句柄耗用大量的集群资源。同样,索引分片数设置不合理,会对查询和...

通过_split API快速拆分主分片

当您使用Elasticsearch集群出现索引分片设置不合理(例如索引主分片设置不合理、每个分片存在大量数据等)引发集群性能问题时,可通过_split API在线扩大主分片数,将现有索引拆分为具有更多主分片的索引。本文介绍如何通过_split API快速...


方便开发者快速构建与阿里云相关的应用程序,包括Java、Python、Node.js、Go等。最佳实践 提供集成阿里云OpenAPI的最佳实践。基于大量官方和用户主动分享的社区模式,帮助更多用户。全局可视 全方位展示集成运行状态,涵盖全局调用趋势、...


ALIYUN:ApiGateway:PluginAttachment类型用于将插件绑定到API。语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:ApiGateway:PluginAttachment","Properties":{"StageName":String,"PluginId":String,"ApiId":String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 ...
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