
This is a cloud computing engineer.关于公共请求参数的详情,请参见 公共参数。返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 返回结果 User object RAM 用户信息。DisplayName string RAM 用户的显示名称。alice Email string RAM 用户的电子...


This is a cloud computing engineer.关于公共请求参数的详情,请参见 公共参数。返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 返回结果 User object RAM 用户信息。DisplayName string RAM 用户的显示名称。xiaoq*Email string RAM 用户的电子...


This is a cloud computing engineer.返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 返回参数。User object RAM 用户信息。DisplayName string RAM 用户的显示名称。new UserPrincipalName string RAM 用户的登录名称。new@example.onaliyun....


UserId":"20732900249392*","Comments":"This is a cloud computing engineer.","LastLoginDate":"2020-10-12T09:12:00Z","CreateDate":"2020-10-12T09:12:00Z","ProvisionType":"Manual","Tags":{"Tag":[{"TagKey":"operator","TagValue...


UserId":"20732900249392*","Comments":"This is a cloud computing engineer.","LastLoginDate":"2020-10-12T09:12:00Z","CreateDate":"2020-10-12T09:12:00Z","ProvisionType":"CloudSSO","Tags":{"Tag":[{"TagKey":"operator",...


UpdateDate":"2023-08-21T06:12:47Z","MobilePhone":"86-1868888*","UserId":"20732900249392*","Comments":"This is a cloud computing engineer.","LastLoginDate":"1692598367586","CreateDate":"2020-08-25T09:23:57Z","ProvisionType...

Python SDK示例:DataFrame

occupation count 0 student 196 1 other 105 2 educator 95 3 administrator 79 4 engineer 67 5 programmer 66 6 librarian 51 7 writer 45 8 executive 32 9 scientist 31 DataFrame API提供了value_counts方法来快速达到同样的目的。...


该服务可以帮助运维、研发、SRE(Site Reliability Engineer)等快速地发现问题、定位问题、分析问题、解决问题,为线上系统可用率提供有效保障。业务实时监控 支持的功能特性如下:全方位实时监控:提供业务、应用、基础资源、云原生等...



KillSparkSQLEngine-关闭Spark SQL引擎

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...




500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

ExistRunningSQLEngine-检测是否存在运行中的Spark ...

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

IMS Python SDK调用示例

trace-id":"d98639642df3407007b84a6dc3f8bb0f","etag":"316nsRQdGEB/4H8NITW6C/w4"},"statusCode":200,"body":{"RequestId":"CCDC0D83-7A3E-59F1-9A27-F04F267591DB","User":{"Comments":"This is a cloud computing engineer.",...


print(users.occupation.value_counts()[:10])返回值 occupation count 0 student 196 1 other 105 2 educator 95 3 administrator 79 4 engineer 67 5 programmer 66 6 librarian 51 7 writer 45 8 executive 32 9 scientist 31 通过更...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...




500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


涉及域名如下 哪些情况会导致已经发布域名交易的...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


id":"count"})result_df=df.sort_values("user_id",ascending=False)print(result_df.execute().fetch())返回结果:occupation user_id student 196 other 105 educator 95 administrator 79 engineer 67 programmer 66 librarian 51 ...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

GetSparkSQLEngineState-查询Spark SQL引擎状态

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

GetSparkAppWebUiAddress-查询Spark Web UI地址

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

PreloadSparkAppMetrics-预加载Spark App指标数据

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...

StartSparkSQLEngine-启动Spark SQL引擎

500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


500 Spark.ServerError The Spark control component system encountered an error,please create a ticket to solve the problem or concat the supported engineer on duty.Error message:%s Spark管控组件系统遇到错误,请提交工单,或...


在灰度能力上,Operator 为升级等运维动作增加了显式的开关,确保每个执行动作符合用户和 SRE(Site Reliability Engineer,简称 SRE)的期望,避免不受控制地或不被察觉地自动执行变更操作。监控:在基本的操作成功率统计、操作耗时统计、...
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